School Development Program

We are Educational Consultant &Providing best Educational Services.

  • Promote student achievement
  • Support and develop a talented staff
  • Build a solid organizational structure

The Xpert Trainers & Consultant have trained more than 10,000 teachers, Principals  & Students. Quality management expert & conducted Educational Quality Audits of more than 100 schools. Consultant 10 Schools. 

Our practice has educational specialists with many years of experience working with families and schools to provide your child with their ideal learning environment. We have worked with public and private schools from pre-school through college. Our level of support depends on your specific needs, but can range from providing advice on how to work with schools, attending meetings with parents and school personnel, Internal Educational Audit, classroom observations, and meeting with teachers, Train teachers, Parents Workshops, and other school personnel. 

4 Domains of working


Character Building




4 Stake holders Training






Our efforts:

1:    ISO certifications

2:    Position in BOARD

3:    Character Building

4:    Opening new Branches & franchises.

5:    School Software

6:    Calligraphy

Our Training Session for Schools:

  1. CNA (Pre Audit)
  2. BMT (Behavior Modification Techniques)
  3. BMP (Behavior Modification Plan)
  4. Interactive Teaching Methods
  5. Zero % Complaint (Complaint Free School Program)
  6. Character Building (Developing Character & Life Skills of Students)   
  7. Improving Slow Learner Students
  8. Career Counseling for students (DMIT)
  9. Parents Council (Committee)
  10. Calligraphy (Developing beautiful Hand Writing)
  11. Screening Test of Employ (DMIT)
  12. Standardized Assembly System
  13. Effective Lesson Planning
  14. Standardized  Examination System
  15. Standardized Result Card
  16. Communication Skills 
  17. HRM Policies



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